I’m Depressed.

Things are tough.  I’ve been wrestling with the depression that has set in over the Salman Rushdie news not to marry… again.  Four bad marriages have  apparently convinced him that marital bliss is just a myth. And to make matters worse, Ann Coulter‘s jaw is still no longer wired shut.  I’m not depressed that she might have been suffering.  I’m depressed that her complete self-exposure as a vicious agitator was temporarily delayed.  Which in turn delays America’s realization that she should be liquified in a Bass-o-Matic.


  1. Precisely, M. Hart – Those whose sails are closest to the wind must leave a strong wake for those who follow…But a strive for balance and equality is never a wasted effort.
    Even the dim among the people who cling to their illusions will be lifted on reality’s tide, in spite of their fearful imprecations.


  2. Michael Hart

    Hi Osri,

    Thanks for stopping by. We do enjoy fêting the occasional Urantia Book reader willing to point out our strange lack of understanding of The Urantia Book. And of course it’s always a rush hearing from anyone who can speak with “Absolute certainty” on, well, anything.

    You sound a lot like a newbie UB reader to us, (guessing under five years) and since you know how to write “the better blog,” and peremptorily point out that “Nobody cares what [we] think of Ann Coulter or anyone else,” we encourage you to use a fraction of your insight (and your own precious time) to tackle that booger yourself; but we toast to your inevitable success with that. So get your better blog on, girl!

    Still. This blog will continue to be about “Life on the World of The Cross” — as we happen to see it. We trust you’ll find the generosity of spirit necessary to allow that we might continue to express ourselves in whatever strange way we choose.

    Thus we forgive you, too, “like Jesus said.” And point out he also predicted:

    “In the generations to come many who are not wholly worthy will do many strange things in my name, but I will not forbid them. I tell you that, even when a cup of cold water is given to a thirsty soul, the Father’s messengers shall ever make record of such a service of love.”

  3. Michael Hart


    Yes; spearpoint. Uncanny similarity to another more positive analogy, where it is a few fearless souls that comprise the prow of an adventurous ship which goes cleaving uncharted seas; and their insights and discoveries are quickly consumed by the early adapters and the cultural creatives who inhabit the bridge and helm, and gradually it filters to amidships and the great unwashed; eventually to be digested, discarded, and carried to the fantail, where the 27%ers muck it around and still manage to throw even the most meager scraps of truth over the side with the garbage.

  4. Human of Days

    Solution is it?

    High density, insight saturated, Sonship directed, spiritized mind content is good copy.

    Get your Source on!

    It belongs everywhere and goes with everything, lifts all, shines in all places, glorifies the Source and center of all.

    Reveals cause in the presence of effects.

    ((((((((((((Say that which is and see if it matters)))))))))))

    This could all be solved before breakfast for all that. 🙂

  5. ‘Me: You mean propaganda spearpoints like…’

    No. There is no ambiguity to what I wrote, and conflating a grab bag of media figures and disgraced politicians might indicate a subjective agenda conflict with the overall concept.

    And since you yourself offer no solutions save for sitting back and enjoying yourself with a good book while looking for your remote…Why should anyone care what you think?

  6. darkblack quote: “I have always thought of Coulter as a propaganda ’spearpoint’”

    Me: You mean propaganda spearpoints like Michael Moore, Gov Blagoveich (D-IL), Rep Jefferson (D-LA), Mayor Dixon (D-Baltimore, MD), Gov Spitzer (D-NY former), Gov McGreevey (D-NJ former), Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Arianna Huffington, and David Gregory? My personal favorites now in office: Harry Reid and Nancy Plosi. Just to name a few.

    Personally, I think the rancor on all sides should come to a complete stop. When people, any people, truly have the interests of their country and the world at heart, there is no need to be snippy and snide or scheming and shmucky; and no need to make things up or play gotcha journalism, like the media members I just listed have a serious tendency to do.

    Since I can say with absolute certainty that the next 4 years will be no different than the last 4, I have decided to just sit back and enjoy myself. Watching democrats fall at the hands of their own media groupies is strangely amusing, satisfying and delightful. For the record, watching politicians and media folk cross the isle and work together is doubly delightful.

    What’s the solution? Well, reading the Urantia Book would be a good start, it seems strange that the writers on this blog don’t understand that the solutions to many of our problems rest within its pages. The better blog to write would be the one that offers solutions to the problems we face, instead of putting so much time and energy into attacking individuals. Nobody cares what you think of Ann Coulter or anyone else, we only care about the solutions you offer. Like Jesus said: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!”

    …….now where’s my remote?…..

  7. db is exactly right! i never thought of it before, 💡 but coultergeist is like the canary–make that the screeching shrew in the coal mine. she says outrageous shit, people get their panties bunched up over it, and a little while later, someone who is a bit more mainstream will say that s/he doesn’t agree with how coultergeist phrased her point, but is she really that off the mark? then it is all diluted a bit for widespread public consumption.

  8. I have always thought of Coulter as a propaganda ‘spearpoint’, Michael – Injecting the unmentionable into the public discourse so that less ‘tainted’ figures who share her aims can appear perfectly reasonable in discussing and justifying her untruths around their well-lit video pulpits.

    This is an old and intellectually dishonest trick, and one purveyed by all of the Rightist agitators that populate the media.
    I refuse to fight fair against such rank scoundrels, and know that they fear a free exchange of ideas far more than the miserable worm’s life that awaits them .

  9. Awwwww too bad about Ann. One could have wished that the wire cutters of the world would have melted down their equipment and left the lady to remain wired for all eternity. Digging up her grave just to make sure she was still muzzled would have been fun. Rushdie? Well the 5th or 6th time could be the charm. But one might conclude he is just an asshole. Who knows.

    1. Michael Hart

      Hi Sherry, I never would have pegged you for a grave-digger. Have the fevers left you changed? But the jury is still out on vicious Ann; she may off herself eternally before she’s done aggrandizing.

  10. maybe we need the deluxe-sized bastard-o-matic for that harridan. i will never understand why any network feels that she is deserving of airtime. she writes the same book over and over again. she just changes a word here and there. 🙄

    1. Michael Hart

      Exactly, Nonnie. These insufferable… what shall we call them… fatuous condescending lunatics… need to be quarantined from the public airwaves, right along with the morons who continue to buy her effluvium.

    1. Michael Hart

      Db, perhaps the truth is more akin to the women weren’t zipping down the trousers and garroting the lizard. The Coulter/sandworm is genuinely disturbing. I sense we share an abiding scorn.

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