Dancing Shoes

Sorry, no time for blogging today!  We have our dancing shoes on, and many miles to go before the next dawn.

Play the healing music.

Pretend Bush is already packed, and breaking out his chainsaw down in Crawford. 

Get your good on today and everyday, from now on.

Ain’t nothin’ gonna stay the same.


  1. Hi Jane,
    Ditto, ditto, ditto! (We’re still working on our edit comments plugin; sorry.) I still think it’s a reflection of the fact the Most Highs rule; I’m working on a post to that effect. The most good for the most folks is what they get involved for, and it puts the Dick Bush debacle in another light, I think.

    Anyway you look at it, the part of the country that can still deal honestly with reality has been energized and inspired to not only recover from tyranny, but refocus on the American Dream and take another bite of planetary destiny. And that’s a big sign that maybe we have actually begun that great and enthralling epoch!

  2. Jane Roper

    Yipeeeee!!!!!! Finally feel like I can exale and really start breathing again! 75 days til 1-20-09. Good for US, I am proud of our country and our resolve to recover from tyranny.

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