The Eternal Gift

DOWN THROUGH THE AGES COMES THE ANSWER, over and over again, in many tongues, from all the steadfast ones:  “For when the enemy shall come in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him,” and the standard has to be lifted first in the heart through our awareness of the oneness with the indwelling Christ, reborn daily within us in our resolution, in our courageous action, in the constant renewing of our minds, and in a fiery faith.

To everyone comes the angel with “The glad tidings that the Holy Thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God,” and each is born not alone, but with the symbols of fortitude and loyalty, of faith and humility, of love and protection standing near, as they stood near him in a stable, if our eyes can read the signs.

Yes, and you who have ears unstopped can listen and hear if you will.  It is difficult for us to awaken you to your full opportunity, we cannot shake you into realization of the way you should go for your own protection, for your beloveds, for the world;  but we have tried to give you sort of a manual to train yourselves to keep young, fluent, and full of faith;  for human events so charged with emotion and terror are very difficult to manage if one has no manual nor the divine advantage.

The little people drift down into a sleep, turn their faces from realities, so that when they are confronted with cruelty and savagery they lose their balance and add to the general weight of despair;  they have not made their faith an actuality.

Do not think this is a selfish protection for your own bodies and souls, we tell you that it is a dedication to the way that will bring healing and peace.  When you walk in in immortality their is neither big nor little, and when you “deny yourself” by making clear the way for the Spirit, you are giving Light to the world— giving It when of yourself you do nothing.

What is asked of you is to keep this Light burning brightly in quietness and to carry your illumination with you always.

This is no time to beat one’s hands against doors of brass, to rage at injustice, human evil and materialism; lift your hearts high above the storms of hatred and fear.  A great role can be yours if you will be simple, and in all tenderness and love and assurance we ask you again to stand in the Light and not waver.

You cannot understand events and their causes but you do know that keeping your emotional centers where they belong is your safety and by so doing you help profoundly in the regeneration that will come to pass.  We ask that you prepare yourselves to be beacons.

We have heard you say that you are tired of waiting.  For your life’s sake plunge into the immortal living Presence now and you will not “wait.”  Do you not see, do you not yet comprehend that Love within is the beginning of all things and that you are forever beginning?  Always renewing, always being reborn.

That is the eternal and holy gift, and in this time release thyself to the fullness of joy in the star that shines, in the Child that is born.

Restated from Letters of the Scattered Brotherhood, 1948

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The hope of a better nation— a better world—
is bound up in the progress and enlightenment of the individual.

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