JUNE Apocalypse

The Apocalypse just keeps on coming; this month, Dick says to Jesus, “I can take that there dove off your hands with one shot.”
Got my June Issue of Apocalypse Magazine today, even though my subscription expired a year ago, there have been massive layoffs and firings of writers and staff, and the company is in receivership. Now ain’t that America for you and me. When I first subscribed, I didn’t realize that there was another meaning for the word apocalypse, product of popular culture that I am.

Listening Tour? What Listening Tour?

Well, that didn’t take long. Just last weekend the Rethugs were falling all over themselves promoting their “listening tour.” Then their master, the insidious Darth “Rush” Limpbot laid down the law. So bright and early yesterday morning, Rethug Whip Eric Cantor crawled onto the set of Morning Joe and denied that the listening tour is, well, a listening tour. SCARBOROUGH: …

Hump? What hump?

In a desperate attempt to re-brand themselves as somehow relevant to America’s political future, a number of Rethuglican leaders have taken to the road on a “listening tour,” eager to convince voters that they aren’t the Party of No Ideas, that they have something to offer than just their eternal agenda of tax cuts for the very wealthiest 5%. Not …

Amygdala Politics: How Glenn Beck Destroys Your Brain

Right wing fear monger, genus glennusbekasaurus Anger is like a stone thrown into a hornet’s nest. —The Urantia Book Anger interrupts the functioning of your frontal lobes. Not only do you lose the ability to be rational, you lose the awareness that you’re acting in an irrational way. When your frontal lobes shut down, it’s impossible to listen to another …

The Party Of No Clue

The seemingly always inebriated, chain smoking and perennially tanned Rethuglican House Leader John Boehner (German pronunciation “Boner”) insisted this week on releasing a 19 page, numbers free budget, a supposed alternative to the Democrats’ plan. Reeling from charges that the Rethugs are “the party of no” – no ideas, no ethics, no clue– and despite pleas from less insane party …

Oo Oo That Smell

There’s a lot of flatulence being aired lately about the Democrats “empowering” Rush Limbaugh, by characterizing him as the voice and energy of the Republican Party.


When Sara Palin saw how much weight Rush Limbaugh had gained since the November election, she quietly chickened out of the CPAC debacle…