Propaganda Douche
…the entire Republican party now openly defines itself
[as] blatantly racist, sexist, repressed, exclusionary,
and permanently addicted to the politics of fear and rage.
…the entire Republican party now openly defines itself
[as] blatantly racist, sexist, repressed, exclusionary,
and permanently addicted to the politics of fear and rage.
When Teh SOCIALISM comes… Teh Great White Stoopid will be dressed up like rodeo clowns and forced to live in feed lots with the other cattle. Right to Far Right: Rush Limbaugh (with ginormous man-boobs), Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMint (with banjo), Bill O’Reilly, Max Baucus (chicken suit), Glenn Beck, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell (in back), Rick Santorum, (seated), Sarah Palin …
Another jaw-dropper week in Teh Crazy as we hunker down for the August recess/hyperbolic frenzy of the continuing implosion of the Rethuglicans. Read it and weep. Or cling to your religion and guns. Whatever blows your skirt up. I have alcohol to consume.
The source of the problem? Lizard Brain is diagnosed by unusually thick cranium and remarkable subcutaneous fat layer; trapped, terrified lizard is always symptomatic. As Jacques Ellul points out in his classic 1964 book, Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes, propaganda cannot create something out of nothing. The human mind is not an empty vessel in which ready-made ideas can …
Tweety during his silver tongued false equivalency rant On his Hardball show yesterday, Chris Matthews did a segment called The Hate Machine about the dog whistle relationship between right wing extremists and their “conservative” enablers in the media. Though he didn’t mention the inciters by name, I will– O’Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, and Beck being just the most prominent hate …
Having failed in their previous wars—the war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on anything not right wing crazy, the Rethugs have launched a new one—the war on empathy.
The July RETHUGBOT came today; who’s gonna clean up this mess? Sorry boys and girls, no time for blogging today, I got sucked into (ha ha ha) reading a free trial copy of RETHUGBOT, the latest liberal rag keeping track of the psycho-ego-maniacal wags ‘o the right. Like that’s really possible. I heard it’s being written by a bunch of …