Insanity Sunday: Glenn Beck Explains Satan And Lucifer For Third Graders
“I’m hoping the guy with horns doesn’t actually show up, but he could.” . . . And monkeys in jumpsuits might fly out your butt, too, Glenn.
“I’m hoping the guy with horns doesn’t actually show up, but he could.” . . . And monkeys in jumpsuits might fly out your butt, too, Glenn.
We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans…
The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States,
and the world, and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.
When anyone hears God’s spirit speak within their human heart, inherent in that very experience is the fact that God simultaneously hears that person’s prayer.
Chicken wingnut “Grand Pusbot” Rush Limpbaugh, in full wingnut regalia, photo-opped with the Satan Twins and their twin cats, Baal, and Chain, during his recent trip to Hell.
New-cue-lure. When I hear a public servant use the Joe Six-pack pronunciation of the word nuclear, I feel a huge tell on stupid. Of course Bush was the precedent-setting poster boy who taught us abysmal ignorance always follows on the heels of this particular faux pas. But Flailin’ Palin has a few other “tells,” some of which you may have …