Rush Gets Religion

The menacing Bloviator shed its moorings in a mighty lurch, and careened loquaciously toward the nation’s unsuspecting Capital, where it imagined the “magic negroe” president was praying to “himself”. . . click to see The BLOVIATOR up close and unhinged.

It’s Not Our Fault

At least some of the outrage that courses through the American psyche today derives from recognition of our shredded values of justice, and whether we can still claim we are a nation of law when our leaders suffer no consequences for their crimes.

“Centrist” Douchebags. . .

A giddy menagerie of Republicans trod down Constitution Avenue following the spirit of the GOP and surrounded by their little blue dogs and assorted vermin, after gutting the Senate stimulus package with a butcher knife, their weapon of choice. Wrong to really wrong: “Big John” Cornyn, “Little John” McCain, “Two-Holer John” Ensign, “Teh Stoopid John” Boehner, “Jimmy John” DeMint, and “Douchebag Dave” Vitter with “Mitch the Bitch” McConnell.

I Solemnly Swear. . .

WASHINGTON — Everything was going swimmingly.  Joe the Biden had been sworn in, and then the lovely Dianne Feinstein introduced Chief Justice of the United Staes, John D. Roberts.  Now, you’d think a guy like Roberts, who’s had a couple a whacky seizures would realize the serviceability of a back-up plan— at all times.  Especially when you were going to …

ObamIcon Me

One factor in getting your face out there before the masses is, well, good graphics.  Barack Obama was embraced by many artists, and an early poster appeared with the single word, “PROGRESS” and quickly became iconic, and unleashed a new graphic meme on an unsuspecting electorate.  Now “Paste” Magazine, through ObamIcon Me, has made it easy to make your cat …

Obama At The Beach

Like a lot of people, my wife and I like the windward shore of Oahu for supreme relaxation and a touch of paradise on earth.  So too, does the Obama family.