Brain Damage

Poor Whoopi Goldberg must have thought she was having an acid flashback while listening to her co-host on The View, Elisabeth Hasslebeck rail on about Barack Obama’s failure to even mention the word “democracy” during his 55 minute speech at Cairo University last week. Not only did Obama mention the word numerous times, he even made it one of the …

Saved By Zeros

The Republican Party is rife with Zeros these days. The nine nincompoops above are just a random gaggle selected from the dozens and dozens of them pining to spend time in the GOPper boxes of national leadership-ness-ness. The assortment of war criminals, gas bags, elderly has-beens, living and dead, and a burgeoning bunch of weiner wanna-bees will continue to plague the nation until the electorate relegates them to the slag-heap of history.

Evolution Of Wingnut Deception Routines

“Look out behind you!” – An ancestral Rethuglican deception ploy The ability of primates to deceive a perceived competitor for access to resources or mates conferred obvious survival advantages on those who mastered it. So successful were the results that their victims had to develop effective countermeasures. In time, they evolved the ability to detect physiological clues– facial expressions, vocal …

The Christian Obama Nation

Are we “One” yet?  Click and see. Friend Quaker Dave writes, “We have become what it is we claim to fear.” Rather:  We have always been and still are what we claim we hate. And that is a people that continue to justify the torture and murder of other human beings in the name of— whatever. If America really is …

The Party Of Zero

The infamous “Boner Memorial,” a controversial sculpture eulogizing the demise of the Republican Party of the late twentieth century, will be moved next week to a private museum dedicated to significant political anachronisms. Carved in 2020, the sculpture depicts the de facto leader of the Republican party in it’s death throes, Congressman John Boehner of Ohio.

Wishin’ Anda Hopin’

Buried under a foot and a half of snow will get you wishing and hoping for the warm sunny days of the future.  Especially a future with Sarah Palin and some other wingnut candidate of what’s left of the GOP, running against Barack Obama. Not only will it ensure his second term, but the full exploration of her support of …

The Teleprompter Terrorist

Can Obama’s Teleprompter drug reporters into an involuntary state of euphoric torpor?