McCain’s Emergency Plan Destroyed by Obama

WASHINGTON — After calling a halt to his campaign earlier today, John McCain spent the afternoon working on a plan to personally re-inflate the economy, and rescue Wall Street. However, a spokesperson for the McCain campaign has just informed the MSM via video that Senator Barack Obama has destroyed the plan with a childish stunt: • (Please ignore the frickin’ …

Beyond the Palin

Ex-president Bush shakes hands with ex-president McCain, who was officially replaced as president today, after a stroke left him with the communication skills of a very bright rutabaga, (a cross between a cabbage and a turnip.)  McCain’s wicked shiner was not explained. Excerpts from Mark Crispin Miller:  (my emphasis) The choice of Sarah Palin has been widely and repeatedly assailed …

I Lived In A Box.

Guess who took this picture. John McCain still thinks someone wants to put him in a box. “When you’ve lived in a box,  you “only have time for right,” says a deep cowboy voice oozing authenticity, while the orgasmically large flat screen shows the aged maverick returning to his Vietnam prison cell and “forgiving” his captors— and their nation— for, …

Blame It On Black Monday

The Obama folks once again understate the obvious. Black Monday rolls into town today with a distinctively oily hue and cry, and that fulminating hoard of rats you see running along the bulwark are not rushing out to see the latest Pirates of the Caribbean folderal, but are enjoying a bout of panic brought on by another classic Film Noir: …

I Got Other Things To Do

Wow. The word “veterans” never made it into McPOW’s acceptance speech; our next “Commander-in-Chief”? But thanks anyway, GI’s— we support the troops! Until you become “veterans” with “problems.” Remember, you’re just damned lucky you get to fight for a country with free speech! But now you’re on your own.  Deal with it. The Commander-in-Chief has other things to do. • …

Up Yur Snoot With A Leather Boot

Don’t worry, Sarah Palin stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Palin’s Fatal Fundamental Flaw

McPalin wowed the base* with Rovian rancor and division; what’s new. Maybe Sarah Palin was a fine mayor of Wasilli; I ‘ownt even know. And, if in the performance of her “actual responsibilities” as governor of Alaska, she got a bad cop off the street and spared a family some domestic violence, well that’s wonderful. Alaska, and by extension, The …