Queen Meg In Wonderland (Update)

Nonnie over at Hysterical Raisins has a great poster up today depicting the California gubernatorial slugfest between Jerry Brown and billionaire Meg Whitman. In my original Queen Meg In Wonderland post three months ago, I noted that she had already donated some $71 million of her own money to her campaign. Nonnie provides an update on that amount by pointing …

The Perils Of HypoChrissy

We can hope, can’t we?  Yes we can. For all her crazy talk, Christine O’Donnell has finally managed to talk her way into becoming a nominee for senator in Delaware,  running as a member of the Republican Party.  Despite canceling appearances on the teevee talking head circuit this morning, early observations are that she can talk the talk; as for …

Avast Ye, Maties! It’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Shiver me timbers and I be shiverin yers From The Devil’s Brethren: the Evolution of Pirate Counter Culture in the Caribbean, by Timothy L. Sullivan: [P]irates…were a relatively conservative population with a mix of traditional and progressive characteristics. They were egalitarian, with little differentiation between the members of the crews; democratic in decision making, electing captains and deposing them when …

Stick A Pitchfork In Her

I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I’m not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do. One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar and I didn’t know it. I mean, there was a little blood there and stuff like that. We went to …

Can I Do It ‘Till I Need Glasses?

Wow, you know the Teabagger crazy train has really run off the rails when Karl Rove gets in a fight with Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh over his dissing of their party’s candidate for a critical senate seat. Rove told a devastated Hannity, who has been singing senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell‘s praises, that she doesn’t evidence basic character traits like “rectitude, …

Glenn Beck: Let Them Die.

Since First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled her Let’s Move! program to fight obesity, a cackle of fat cat conservatives have attacked her efforts as just another Obama assault on the personal freedoms and liberties of french fry-loving, overweight Americans.

Newt Bites The Big One

Newton Leroy Gingrich announced that “there should be no mosque near ground zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia.”