Some borderline sentients think dressing up like Nazis is just good fun. And nobody has more fun in the run-up to the midterms than the Republican Tea Party.

Looney Toon Time: Mickey & Pluto Update

Mickey and Pluto react to Glenn Beck’s radio scare show

The Violent Fruits Of Beck’s Paranoia

The scariest part of this interview is how rational Byron Williams sounds. That could mean that the propaganda spew of his “teacher” Glenn Beck is working on more than just the feeble minded. Then again, Goebbels‘ propaganda infected what was then one of the world’s most literate populations. I wonder how many more sponsors Beck’s going to lose once they …

Exposing The U.S. Chamber Of Foreign Commerce

The new appropriately named DNC ad: “Stealing Democracy” Over a year ago in a post titled Soylent Green And Corporations Are People Too, I warned about the implications for our democracy if the corporatist dominated US Supreme Court ruled the way I expected them too in the Citizens United case. And when they ruling came down last January, in A …

Is Christine O’Donnell The Walrus?

One of the greatest songwriters of all time, John Lennon, would have turned 70 today if he hadn’t been assassinated outside his New York apartment in 1980. He was also an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War and a political activist, considered so dangerous to President Richard Nixon‘s 1972 re-election campaign that Nixon tried to have him deported. It is …

Recycling Rethugs

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Indecision 2010 – Revenge of the Fallen – FearStock.com www.colbertnation.com Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election March to Keep Fear Alive Keeping fear alive with Stephen’s interactive clip art Per the Colbert clip above, the Rethugs don’t need to stop at duplicating clip art for their fear mongering commercials. Since they …

Compassion: So Simple A Caveman Could Do it

Whether today’s conservatives call themselves Republicans, libertarians, or Teabaggers, they all share an abiding hatred for government.