Tea Party Brownshirts

Rand Paul supporters stomping a member of Moveon.org For those who have doubts about where this country is heading in the post-Bush era, this video should prove instructive. Thanks to the non-stop demonization of progressive groups like Moveon.org and the Tides Foundation from the likes of Fux News and their allies in right wing radio, scenes like the one captured …

Meg Gets It Right

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEPlZYp5-Pk[/youtube] I just love it when you can crush your opponent— and be positive about it at the same time.

Queen Meg Strikes (Out) Again [Update]

You’d think that having spent $140 million dollars of her own money trying to become governor of the most economically dysfunctional state in the country, Meg Whitman could come up with a media campaign that brands her as an original candidate, someone with the creative chops to think outside the box. But in what has to be the most brilliant, …


Not hot off the presses:  Urantian Sojourn Magazine will debut soon, watch this spot. It’s a back to our roots via the blog thing, and yeah, we’re excited— just not blessed with enough time to getter done a month in advance. The original Urantian Sojourn Magazine was born in the tumultuous summer of 1990, as a satirical-political spear in the …

Swiftboating Latino Voters (Update)

Aping the Teabaggers, the Rethugs wrap themselves in the flag and promote their party as the defenders of the Constitution. And just when you thought they  couldn’t sink any lower, they roll out the above ad to Hispanic voters encouraging them to ignore their most primary constitutional responsibility– the right and duty to vote.  (For the Spanish version, see  here.) …


Holy effin’ balance sheets! “Accounting professors” kicking the asses off “art professors” when it comes to knowing God?!? Who knew…

Had The Chilean Miners Been Teabaggers

Had the Chilean miners truly subscribed to the tea party view of the world, they would have first rejected any rescue attempt as a big government bailout, perpetuating the moral hazard problem of miners who went underground knowing full well the risks of their actions! Then, having refused rescue, they would also have ruled out collective action to survive, since …