Tempest In A Tea Cup UPDATED

Mr. Lachrymosity is back. . . and he’s still the same shade of frikkin orange.

Stewart’s Sanity Speech, Citizens United, & The Mid-Term Elections

Jon Stewart lays down the predicate for his Restore Sanity speech Criticisms of Jon Stewart’s closing speech at his and Stephen Colbert’s Restore Sanity and/or Fear Rally in D.C. last Saturday are varied. One has it  that he didn’t encourage people to just simply vote. As far as I saw, watching the whole thing on my teevee, the only person …

Scary Halloween Post-Election Thought

John of Orange, recessive gene carrier of the long extinct Orange race* Given that the electoral odds strongly favor a Rethug takeover of the House of Representatives this Tuesday; and given the John Boner will likely become the Speaker of the House (like I learned in Catholic grade school: when two vowels go a walkin’, the first one does the …

RESTORE SANITY Post-Rally Reflections

Yeah! I didn’t see a single misspelled word on the hundreds of signs I read today. . .

Pre-Rally Reflections

The Fear is palpable on the National Mall tonight;  the crew rocked the sound check with Steely Dan’s Bodhisattva. Well, at least when we were walking by. WASHINGTON D.C. —  We landed at Dulles in a 35 m.p.h. crosswind.  I know this because the pilot came on and praised his first officer for doing a “heckofa job” landing that bitch. …


Headphones Recommended [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UinyDqmwWU[/youtube] The highest happiness is indissolubly linked with spiritual progress. —The Urantia Book

Joe Miller Admits He’s A Liar

Joe Miller’s Brownshirts handcuff and detain reporter for asking about his shady background If you were wondering why Sarah Palin endorsed Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller announced a few weeks ago that he was no longer taking questions about his background, the revelation below explains why. No wonder Miller hired his own Blackwater-style Brownshirts to prevent the truth from leaking …