Tempest In A Tea Cup UPDATED
Mr. Lachrymosity is back. . . and he’s still the same shade of frikkin orange.
Mr. Lachrymosity is back. . . and he’s still the same shade of frikkin orange.
Jon Stewart lays down the predicate for his Restore Sanity speech Criticisms of Jon Stewart’s closing speech at his and Stephen Colbert’s Restore Sanity and/or Fear Rally in D.C. last Saturday are varied. One has it that he didn’t encourage people to just simply vote. As far as I saw, watching the whole thing on my teevee, the only person …
John of Orange, recessive gene carrier of the long extinct Orange race* Given that the electoral odds strongly favor a Rethug takeover of the House of Representatives this Tuesday; and given the John Boner will likely become the Speaker of the House (like I learned in Catholic grade school: when two vowels go a walkin’, the first one does the …
Yeah! I didn’t see a single misspelled word on the hundreds of signs I read today. . .
The Fear is palpable on the National Mall tonight; the crew rocked the sound check with Steely Dan’s Bodhisattva. Well, at least when we were walking by. WASHINGTON D.C. — We landed at Dulles in a 35 m.p.h. crosswind. I know this because the pilot came on and praised his first officer for doing a “heckofa job” landing that bitch. …
Headphones Recommended [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UinyDqmwWU[/youtube] The highest happiness is indissolubly linked with spiritual progress. —The Urantia Book
Joe Miller’s Brownshirts handcuff and detain reporter for asking about his shady background If you were wondering why Sarah Palin endorsed Alaska Senate candidate Joe Miller announced a few weeks ago that he was no longer taking questions about his background, the revelation below explains why. No wonder Miller hired his own Blackwater-style Brownshirts to prevent the truth from leaking …