Rap Yer Mind Round This

Map of The Master Universe Nothing like being on the edge of the edge. Fer sure, being so ‘far out’ has its disadvantages– distance from The Source maximizes the potential for error, evil (sin), and iniquity (the persistent and knowledgeable pursuit of evil). On the upside, being so positioned places us at the the crossroads of creation, the cutting edge …

Afutilestan XIII: The Year In Review

As Commander in Chief wanna be Sarah Palin might put it: How’s that surge thingy workin out for ya, Mr. President? Not so good, as The Wall Street Journal reports this week: Internal United Nations maps show a marked deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan during this year’s fighting season, countering the Obama administration’s optimistic assessments of military progress …

Season’s Greetings

Our Avatar family salutes you and yours.  Terry, Michael, Propagandee, Saitia, assorted loyal coneheads, random cherubim, Santa Clawz, and the Big Kahuna As Urantia Book readers, we have it on reliable authority that Jesus was born about noon on August 21st, 7 B.C. But of course any day you want to celebrate the birth of God made mortal man is …

X-MAS Is For Atheists Too

• “I’ve seen things you ‘people’ wouldn’t believe.  Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I’ve watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.  All those… moments… lost in time… like… tears… in rain…” “I want more life,  fucker!” • In a film widely regarded as one of the best movies ever made, a humanoid creature …

Arlen Specter’s Farewell

As the author of the Warren Commission‘s magical single bullet theory, used to whitewash JFK‘s assassination to make it appear that only a single shooter was involved (subsequently rejected by the US House of Representatives), I had early developed a disdain for retiring Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter. He always struck me as the consummate Beltway insider and opportunist. His last …

Was Jesus A Liberal Democrat?

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Jesus Is a Liberal Democrat www.colbertnation.com Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> March to Keep Fear Alive Yes, according to Bernie Goldberg, but no according to Bill’O.