Teh Iowa Stoopid

A Luntz dunce focus group informs Hammity’s worldview To think that Iowa has such a determinative influence on presidential nominations makes me want to poop an ethanol subsidized corn cob.

Rethugs Redefine Rape

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Rape Victim Abortion Funding www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> The Daily Show on Facebook The Rethugs’ proposed “No Taxpayer Funding For Abortions Act” Kristen Schaal (I love this woman!)  explains money rape, rape with benefits, rapemare and other Rethuglican fantasies.

Bachmann Goes Goth

Michele Bachmann’s latest attempt to protect her reputation as a “balloon head” raised eyebrows and set off stud detectors at Minn. International Airport.


You don’t say… How long will we allow this doughy diaper-load of an excuse for a man to pollute and degrade our nation’s public discourse? Beware the tyranny of the minority. —Latin proverb Nothing is more despicable than a professional talker who uses his words as a quack uses his remedies. —de la Mothe Fénelon,  1651—1715

Sarah WTF SpudNut

Former half-baked Alaskan Guvnah, Sarah Palin, rebuts President Obama’s state of the union speech Who’d a thunk that anti-gubmint crusader Sarah Palin would hold up as an example of the entrepreneurial spirit a company that wouldn’t even exist, save the spending of taxpayer dollars? Palin’s quirky invocation of the “Spudnut Shop” here in Richland Washington as an example of American …