Finding Gad Daffi

No, really— where the fuck is this guy?? Bet you didn’t know there are just two branches of government in Libya.  The “revolutionary sector,” which is “Revolutionary Leader” Muammar “Moe” Gaddafi hizzelf, and the 12-person Revolutionary Command Council;  which is not elected, and cannot be voted out of office;  they’re in power by virtue of their “involvement in the revolution,” …

Hey Kids…

We are, right now, living in an amazing moment of history. And this moment has happened because the youth around the world have decided they’ve had enough. Young people are in revolt — and it’s about time.

Beware The Beckian Google Monster!

Anyone with experience with cults notice a problem here?

From The White House Office Of Preemptive Capitulation (Update)

The White House released its proposed budget yesterday, packaged as “shared sacrifice.” Deep cuts to social programs sit at one end of the budgetary teeter totter; and a rise in income taxes for those earning over $250,000 at the other. One can be forgiven for asking: If President Obama, despite clear campaign promises to the contrary, couldn’t get a Democratic …


In free enterprise America, you can go shopping for and purchase an angry mob. I don’t mean just a few “action figures,” either.

Bed Bugs Infest CPAC Convention

Teabaggers flex their political muscles at this year’s CPAC convention (Sung to the melody of “Bad Boys”) Bed Bugs, Bed Bugs– Whatcha gonna do, Whatcha gonna do When they come for you? Bed Bugs, Bed Bugs… I can’t help but wonder if the manager of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington D.C., where The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) …

The Reagan-Palin Hybrid

Updating the ancient Greek myth of the Chimera The New York Times weighs in on presidential wannabe Sarah Palin‘s commemoration of what would have been the 100th birthday of conservative icon, Ronald Reagan: SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – Sarah Palin opened a weekend centennial celebration to Ronald Reagan by declaring that the United States was lurching toward a “road to ruin,” …