The Paranoid Stylings Of Glenn Beck

Solange Uwimana over at Media Matters draws our attention to an interesting conjunction between Glenn Beck and the late Richard Hofstadter : The year Glenn Beck was born, Harper’s published an essay by Richard Hofstadter in which the historian explained a “style of mind” common among “extreme right-wingers” of his time. He referred to it as “the paranoid style” for …

Who’s Crazier? (Update)

Separated at birth? One says he’s a “warlock,” that people with normal brains can’t understand him. That he has “tiger blood” and “Adonis DNA.” The other says his people love him, and yet he vows to crush them. That the only reason they resist him is because Al Qaeda is dropping acid in their Nescafe. Color me confused. *Warning: Trying to …

We Are All Cheeseheads

We warned you last October that the shit was about to hit the fan. That’s not fudge on your face.

Tip Toeing Through The Tulips Of Fux News

Ed Schultz offers us a priceless DVD collector’s edition, featuring the vocal stylings of Spin O’Reilly trying to defend the indefensible;  Brian Kilmeade singing falsetto on a recent Gallup Poll showing that 61% of Americans actually favor rather than oppose collective bargaining; and a rare moment of truthful political analysis of the Wisconsin protests by the dynamic duo of Shep …

Walker’s Waterloo? (Update)

The phone rang in Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s office and the caller identified himself as David Koch…

Drink U.P. The URANTIA Book

If you haven’t tracked down your copy of The Urantia Papers yet, here’s a link— get crackin’. The Urantia Book