
As selective chroniclers of Life on the World of the Cross, we tend to avoid the endless stream of natural and unnatural catastrophes that afflict Urantia. But…

Springtime For Walker

From PWN (Parody World News) I wonder if the guy tugging his collar is Governor Scott Walker‘s chief of staff, Keith Gilkes, who put through the call from the fake David Koch.. (h/t Anything Adirondack)

Newt’s Obsession With Screwing America

The Colbert Report Tags: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive   Referring to his past infidelities, the Newtster confesses to the Christian Broadcasting Network that it was his love for his country that made him do it. There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I …

Republican Party Suicide

It was always evident they were giant asshats, but literally big heels, too?? Who knew.

A Bridge To The 19th Century (Update)

In my post Monday Don’t Let The Economic Terrorists Win, I drew a brief but straight line between the the union busting attempts of Wisconsin Governor Scott ‘Wanker” Walker, and Naomi Klein‘s thesis of economic terrorism desscribed in her book The Shock Doctrine. On last night’s show, Rachel Maddow interviewed Klein after detailing a hideous piece legislation that just passed …

I’m With Matt (Update)

From his interview with The Independent about his new movie The Adjustment Bureau (based on a Philip Dick novel that I found had a thematic connection to The Urantia Book‘s depiction of the Seraphic Planetary Government), actor and progressive activist Matt Damon comments on his former support for President Obama. Few of Barack Obama’s celebrity supporters at the 2008 US …

Don’t Let The Economic Terrorists Win (Update)

Below is the text of a blog that Michael Moore had intended to post on his site, but at the last moment decided to deliver in person this weekend on the steps of the capitol building in Madison, Wisconsin before a crowd of thousands. As there are a number of valuable spontaneous remarks in the speech and reactions from the …