The Undeclared GOPers Debate
One of the best SNL ensemble pieces ever. And props to the set designer for Chump’s golden pillared podium.
One of the best SNL ensemble pieces ever. And props to the set designer for Chump’s golden pillared podium.
Six days after the attacks of 9/11, President George W. Bush gave a press conference where he proclaimed in his trademarked macho swagger
The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Obama Takes Credit for Bin Laden’s Assassination Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive Stephen ruminates on the aftermath of the Obama Administration’s elimination of the the world’s most wanted criminal In response to Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and other Fux News asshats getting their knickers …
After enjoying weeks of prime time media exposure for his pandering to the Birthers’ crazy conspiracy theories, which did have the effect of rocketing him to the the top tier of GOP presidential candidates (what does that tell ya), Donald Trump got his just desserts Saturday night at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Leading the televised evisceration was President Obama …
Don’t you just hate it when this happens? Saul of Tsarsus, aka the Apostle Paul, was a Jew, a highly trained Pharisee in fact. He enjoyed Roman citizenship, a privilege that less than 8% of those who lived in the vast Roman Empire at the time could claim. Legend has it that despite his penchant for helping send many early …
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Goldie Taylor exposing the racism at the core of Trumper Birtherism on the Rachel Maddow Show* [* Excuse the fracking fracking commercial. I don’t have to wonder how Rachel feels about being sponsored by Exxon.] As should be apparent to anyone with half a brain, the whole Birther …
Don’t be fooled— that’s not a red pickle. Nor is this bunch of small-minded miscreants any smarter than a bag of hammers.