Deficits Don’t Matter (Update; 2)
“What kind of irresponsible lunatic would vote for everyone of these misguide fiscal time bombs?”
“What kind of irresponsible lunatic would vote for everyone of these misguide fiscal time bombs?”
The Comeback Team “gets down to business” by working out a few romantic moves on each other.
The Grand Obstructionist Party has known ever since it voted for the Paul Ryan economic plans in 2011, The Path to Prosperity: Restoring America’s Promise; and again in March of this year, The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal, that the provision calling for the voucherization of Medicare would present the single greatest obstacle to their success in …
Uncle Mitters contemplates how he’s going to obfuscate his primary promise to enact little Pauly’s pet monster project.
Village hack Joe Klein just doesn’t get it: How incompetent is the Romney campaign? They keep coming up with these stupid gambits–the last was the lie that Obama opposed early voting for members of the military in Ohio–that are shot down instantaneously (everywhere but in Fox-Rush land). And worse, the Democrats–who seem to have a superior oppo team–can often produce counter-stories, …
OH NO NO. You can do better than that Willard, I want you to say it like you mean it, brother!