Was Jesus a Muslim?

Or Obama, because he was photographed wearing a turban? Obama (right) wearing Turban and Somali Robes Of course not, since Islam didn’t come into existence for another six centuries or so. Did Bush wear a turban? Yeah, but does anyone care? Did Jesus wear a turban? Most likely, since turbans were far more than a fashion accessory for the Semites …

Pick Your Junk

Think You Want This Junk? Cindy McCane with husband John Top Gun “Maverick” McCane Junk is battle-worn, seventy-two, cranky Contradicts own sworn testimony War with rest of world “just an unfortunate fact of life” Abortion: Nevah, nevah, nevah Believes in evolution Espouses Episcopalian and Southern Baptist Christianity   How About This? Co-Commanders-in-Chief Clinton Junk is ambitious, sixty-one, double X, comes …

Clinton Attacks. . .

CINCINNATI – In a stunning display of frustration and anger over tactics she described as being from “Carl Rove’s playbook,” Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton tore into Barack Obama with a vengeance, today. One observer close to the fray said, “The fur was really flying.” The Obama campaign quickly struck back, saying that Howard Wolfson, Clinton’s top spokesman, had claimed that …

Unmarking the Beast

Well, that didn’t take long. Crooks and Liars spoofs the Repugs FISA amendment scare ad with this: Lesson learned. The way to deal with the propagation of “unreasoned fear” is to refute it with something positive before it has time to fully wrap it tendrils around the lizard brain, aka “the mark of the beast.” Any discernible differences between those …

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

Check out this latest ad from the Rethugs designed to scare us out of our liberties and place Bush and his corporate fascist buddies above the law. Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul. -The Urantia Book UPDATE. . .

McLame Blows Nomination

I couldn’t sleep last night. Thank you for asking, it was the usual morbid realization about John McCain. From a strictly comedic gold mine point of view, McCain is the Mother pantload, and comedians everywhere were in danger of losing the kind of career-making material that only congeals once in a political lifetime. But then, I thought that it was …