Bush Bids Adieu

Tuesday, George W. Bush held his final cabinet meeting where he said: I tell people I leave town with a great sense of accomplishment and my head held high. The problem with that is, well, obvious. George W. Bush in a rare moment of introspection As the worst president in US history winds down his delusional legacy protection tour, he …

In The Tank For Conservatism (Updated)

During the past eight years, the Bushmen have done their utmost to entrench themselves behind political, financial, and ecclesiastical power. Their make-believe foreign policy has failed to do aught that it set out to do. Chummy self-serving alliances will never prevent world wars, or control the several most powerful governments. As long as America suffers from the delusions of national sovereignty right along with every other so-called sovereign nation in the world, War will continue.

Animating Ayn Rand’s Rotting Corpse

Young Alan Greenspan posing for Atlas Shrugged in Ayn Rand’s apartment Digby explores the Bizzaroworld economic logic and the psychology of greed that inflicts the wingnut universe, rooted as it is in Ayn Rand‘s classic 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged here and here. Ronald Reagan,  a key enabler of the Bush Depression, implicitly adopted Rand’s disdain for government’s role in fostering …

The Divine Light of Justice

Do we, as a nation, as a race of human beings, desire to live by the rule of law and the ways of justice? Then we must actually live our lives accordingly, and demand that our elected officials do so as well. If there is no accounting, there is no justice.

Joe the Reporter (Update 2)

Joe the PlumberWar Reporter, checking in from Israel, says reporters shouldn’t be reporting on war: “I’ll be honest with you. I don’t think journalists should be anywhere allowed war. I mean, you guys report where our troops are at. You report what’s happening day to day. You make a big deal out of it. I-I think it’s asinine. You know, …

Sunday Huff Poop

Not possessing the steely intestinal constitution of the heroic Driftglass, I simply cannot breakfast on the barf of Sunday morning hurl coming outa the teevee talking head mouse circus, as only he can.  So I seldom miss reading what he draws from that frothy culture muck-pit.  It’s just one more great reason why he’s in a class by himself, and …

George W. Bush Liebrary

Controversial sculpture highlights the Bush Liebrary courtyard. (Click) DALLAS — The “Mission Accomplished” Sculpture Garden Annex to the George W. Bush Liebrary® was dedicated this week on the campus of Southern Methodist University, in a very brief ceremony honoring the achievement[s] of the outgoing chief executive.  The Annex is a publicly funded project which apposed the building of an oxymoronic …