Brooks Was Here

. . .But he decided not to stay.  James Whitmore graduated today.  Congratulations Jim. [youtube][/youtube] James Whitmore October 1, 1921 – February 6, 2009

Stimulus Package??

Wake the fuck up, wage slaves. . . that is if you still have a wage.
The Republicans along with some completely head-up-ass Democrats are able to foist this gross swindle of wealth on the middle class by, one, keeping teh stoopid afraid of everything, two, keeping America at War and therefore killing the children of teh stoopid, and three, by boldly lying their asses off, telling Americans that only the wealthy can save America with their wealth, when and as they see fit to create jobs for the rest of us— in other words— keeping you POOR.

Republican Scorpions & Democratic Frogs

There is so much to love about this, I don’t know where to start. . .


Rapacious scrotomizer and national precinct captain Rush Hudson Limpball III, with fellow stooges Bitch McConnell, and Johnnie-Boy Boner, brandishes an elephantine testicle in a nutso effort to frighten bagless Democraps in the latest skirmish to take back Capital Hill.

Blog Roll Amnesty Day

I don’t know what anybody’s “traffic” is like, so I don’t know who could possibly be is smaller than we-uns right here, but first I tell you to check out the usual suspects on our blog roll, and then with all the time left over you’ll want to check out this bunch of malcontents.

Jobba Da GOP

What kind of people would sit idly by and allow such a declaration of War on our president— and our nation— to pass without aggressive action to vanquish such declared saboteurs of our way of life?