Rethuglican Hallucinations

From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale. In trying to account for the experience of color, neurobiologist Humberto Maturana decided to treat the nervous system as a closed system, depriving it of external sensory inputs. Incidentally, he found that deprived of such inputs, the nervous system can’t …

Bobby teh Beggar

Louisiana Governor Piyash Jindal begging for understanding in the Republican’t Marketplace of Ideas. (Original message) BATON ROUGE — The Republican party opened up another front on the War on Reality today with a bold assault on sanity by refusing an estimated hundred million dollars of United States government funds for the unemployed poor of Louisiana.  Governor Piyash Insane Jindal, who …


Lanakai Beach turned to the sun again this morning LANAKAI — Sorry, no time for bit and byte writing today, we’re off to the edge of the ocean— maybe three hundred yards as the dove flies— to do some sand writing. Talk amongst yourselves;  I’ll give you a topic:  Coconut oil vs Shea butter. . .  or should they be …

Common Knowledge

[youtube][/youtube] The light traveler “Prot,” (rhymes with moat) hailing from the planet K-Pax in the Lyra system, presumes that everyone on earth knows that we are the third planet out, orbiting a pale yellow star we call the sun. That it’s “common knowledge.”   But Prot would presume too much to think we know much more than that. Simple factoids …

Haiku Hiking

The Ko’olaus are whispering. . . KAILUA — Sorry, no time for blogging today! We’re off to write a few haiku in the Ko’olau ramparts.  Talk amongst yourselves;  I’ll give you a topic:  Mangoes are better than Papayas because. . . Or, if you simply must get mucked-up up to your eyeballs:  John Asscroft is a barely sentient being because. …

Republican Swine Invade

WASHINGTON — The swine-like souls of nearly thirty-six GOP senators have apparently been sent into a hapless Cantonese traveler.  The demoralized and emasculated Republicans lost their souls Monday afternoon and within moments invaded a woman waiting for a flight at Washington’s Dulles airport. When their wasted souls recognized their predicament, they threw a protracted hissy fit, shouting epithets directed at …

Tomorrow creeps in its petty pace. . .

We landed at the right time, and the place. . . HONOLULU — The shuttle driver, all five feet of him, said “Welcome to Paradise” as we walked up to his bus.  Then he said something about retrieving our baggage.  Uh, no.  No baggage claim in Paradise.  This was just what passes for Paradise here on Urantia;  the big Kahuna’s …