Did You Know?

In my senior year in high school, I read a book that was published that year (1970) called “Future Shock”, by Alvin Toffler. In it was a graph of human knowledge going back to recorded history. As might be expected, the line was pretty flat for the most part, with slight noticeable upticks during the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Industrial …

Wishin’ Anda Hopin’

Buried under a foot and a half of snow will get you wishing and hoping for the warm sunny days of the future.  Especially a future with Sarah Palin and some other wingnut candidate of what’s left of the GOP, running against Barack Obama. Not only will it ensure his second term, but the full exploration of her support of …

The Teleprompter Terrorist

Can Obama’s Teleprompter drug reporters into an involuntary state of euphoric torpor?

A New New Deal

Back in October in a post titled The Rape Of The American Taxpayer, when the government’s bailout of Wall Street was already in high gear, I wrote: Having been brutally raped by a Wall Street gang, aided and abetted by Bush and his congressional cronies, Americans are now being required to buy the rape kit, as well as bear and …

For What It’s Worth

Fuck you, little people!  I got mine—  see if you can get yours. When it comes to economics, the profit motive is to the service motive what fear is to love in religion. But ruthless competition— for example, this, this, or this— that is based on the narrow-minded pork of self-interest, eventually destroys even the very things it seeks to …