Colbert’s Smackdown Of Glenn Beck

Simply brilliant. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The 10/31 Project Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest

Burning Down The House

Watch out You might get what you’re after Cool babies Strange but not a stranger I’m an ordinary guy Burning down the house -Talking Heads Yesterday while reading an article in the NY Times titled “Banks Starting to Walk Away on Foreclosures” I was reminded of the movie Fatal Attraction. In the climax of this highly successful “bunny boiler”, Michael …

Deep Thought

My worst nightmare: Reincarnation is real and I wake up as a Republican. [Image credit here.]

. . .SHIfT Happens

  Still.  And always. The first order of business is:  knowing who we are;  what we are;  and why we are all here.  If you haven’t really answered these basic questions yet, then you simply don’t know why you even exist— let alone why any other pursuit—  twenty-first century literacy, cultural, political, or corporate sanity, pleasure, science, even religion— has …

Why I Love Michelle Bachmann

Michelle Bachmann bravely reporting from behind enemy lines Over the last thirty years, the Ruling Class has funded right wing Republican think tanks to perfect the art of political propaganda. Ronald “the Great Communicator” Reagan was the perfect choice to kick off this new media era. During his acting career, Ronnie use to broadcast fake-live baseball games by reading ticker …

The Party Of No Clue

The seemingly always inebriated, chain smoking and perennially tanned Rethuglican House Leader John Boehner (German pronunciation “Boner”) insisted this week on releasing a 19 page, numbers free budget, a supposed alternative to the Democrats’ plan. Reeling from charges that the Rethugs are “the party of no” – no ideas, no ethics, no clue– and despite pleas from less insane party …