Their Days Of Freedom Are Numbered

Right now, Dick and George may still be enjoying their fun in the sun, barbecuing kittehs; but those days are numbered. The chances they’ll be arrested and charged with war crimes are growing stronger every day. . . Because people are starting to understand the things they said. . . [youtube][/youtube] “Let’s roll,” indeed.

Torture In Context

Demonstrating an “enhanced interrogation technique” In 1999, Bush‘s family biographer, Mickey Herskowitz, reports that W. told him he was intent on invading Iraq, saying that his status as a war time president would give him enough political capital to push through his conservative domestic agenda. (That would include the privatization of social security whose blood rich corpse would be served …

Foreclosing On Teh American Dream

They’re called “prairie palaces” around here.  The early adapters took their profits from ocean view tract homes in SoCal, and in the fields of Colorado, parlayed them into conspicuous, 4,000 square foot symbols of their success. Like so many other dreams around the country, this particular palace has fallen on hard times.  Times such as these can produce bitterness at …

Scientists Discover Earth-sized Planet

Now, this is what really annoys me about scientists. Their punctiliousness makes in damned near impossible for them to think creatively about anything. They all just assume that the only kind of life the universe is capable of harboring has to be in the same fucking temperature range as our little ball of mud, because . . . well, just because.

Destroying Our Enemies

Like most nations, the United States continues to conduct espionage against other nations, and we use clandestine spies employed by the CIA to get the information we think we need to keep us safe.

Hugh Francis Redmond was just such a fellow.

Judge Bybee Update: NY Times Calls For Impeachment

Judge Bybee wearing missing part of his judge’s robe The NY Times has an editorial today calling for the impeachment of Judge Jay “Dungeon Master” ByBee: To read the four newly released memos on prisoner interrogation written by George W. Bush’s Justice Department is to take a journey into depravity. Their language is the precise bureaucratese favored by dungeon masters …