Prosecuting Bush War Crimes (Updated)

Bushie war criminals having an out of body, out of time experience Left wing extremist and commie sympathizer,  former General Barry McCaffrey weighs in on the implications of the torture memos the Obama Administration released April 16: Nora O’Donnell: General McCaffrey, let me start with you. The President’s speech was largely a pep rally. How do you think it went? …

They’re Here To Fux You Up

Maybe Rush Limpbot will buy an island somewhere,
and you can all immigrate there, take a loyalty oath,
and form yourselves a little wingnut paradise.

Obama To Chrsyler Hedge Funds: Stick It

With everybody on board except a few hedge fund “speculators” who bought Chrysler debt at a steep discount, President Obama just announced that, despite trying to avoid a Chapter 11 bankruptcy (including offering these greedy bastards another $250 million at the last moment to avoid it), a bankruptcy restructuring was the only way to save the company and  10,000s of …

Biden Steps In It Again

Shortly after Vice President Joe Biden went off message on The Today Show this morning, he was called into President Obama‘s office. Also present was a nurse, an anesthesiologist, and a doctor threading a long, sharp needle with some bright red, thick thread. “Have a seat, Joe” said the president, gesturing towards a dental chair in front of the medical …

Bachmann Adds To Her Legacy

Well, the hits keep on coming. Michelle Bachmann on the suspicious re-emergence of swine flu “under another Democratic president”: “I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president Jimmy Carter,” said Bachmann. “And I’m not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.” …

Oh, Liz. . . Is that Water Coming Outa Your Nose, Or are you just happy to be alive?

If Liz Cheney were captured by an enemy, thrown into a dark and windowless cell, strung from the ceiling by shackles, kept awake for weeks on end, thrown headlong against a plywood wall thirty times in a row and waterboarded 183 times, would she really emerge from that ordeal and say she wasn’t tortured? I mean: really? Let’s get real here: she’s a fraud defending a monster.