Fourth-Degree Burns Not Torture
WASHINGTON D.C. — An apparently tough as nails Sean Hannity of Fox News has personally undergone what he called a “fair and balanced interrogation technique” to prove a point: fourth-degree burns are not torture.
WASHINGTON D.C. — An apparently tough as nails Sean Hannity of Fox News has personally undergone what he called a “fair and balanced interrogation technique” to prove a point: fourth-degree burns are not torture.
. . .WHEN DICK CHENEY DOES IT [youtube][/youtube]
[youtube][/youtube] The Soul of Richard Cheney Terry Kruger
Early on in the American occupation of Iraq, gruesome video of Americans being beheaded by their captors surfaced, fueling worldwide outrage against the perpetrators. A thousand years earlier, Christian crusaders, laying siege to fortified Muslim cities, used as missiles for their catapults the severed heads of Muslims.
Sean “Horse Apples” Hannity and Bill “Tiny Gerkin” OReilly are two Irish Blagards who would love to see President Obama destroy America, just so they could say “I told you so.” But if you can overlook that snit of insanity, you have to admit, they’re just too cute not to like, aren’t they?
It’s time to excise the cancer for the American body politic known as Bush-Cheney Administration. When both Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Grand Inquisitor Darth Cheney agree that critical documents be declassified about how torture was used during the previous eight years, you know the worm has turned. In other words, it’s time for a truth commission. …
The Apocalypse just keeps on coming; this month, Dick says to Jesus, “I can take that there dove off your hands with one shot.”
Got my June Issue of Apocalypse Magazine today, even though my subscription expired a year ago, there have been massive layoffs and firings of writers and staff, and the company is in receivership. Now ain’t that America for you and me. When I first subscribed, I didn’t realize that there was another meaning for the word apocalypse, product of popular culture that I am.