False Equivalency

Tweety during his silver tongued false equivalency rant On his Hardball show  yesterday, Chris Matthews did a segment called The Hate Machine about the dog whistle relationship between right wing extremists and their “conservative” enablers in the media. Though he didn’t mention the inciters by name, I will– O’Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, and Beck being just the most prominent hate …

Glimpsed Along The Road

Riding shotgun gave me time to let the road movie play. . . Sometimes you can sense which drivers are going to look your way as you pass them… Like the Limbaugh look-alike in a Liz Cheney wig…

Colorado Puddles

Some days, it just doesn’t pay to get outa bed, even when you slept at a Holiday Inn last night.  But when check out time is noon, you have to. It started with the coffee.  Holiday Inn Express serves that “smart” roast stuff, which makes it dangerous to start with;  because they serve it in styrofoam cups that can’t withstand …

Bully O’Reilly Just Can’t Help Himself

CNN’s Rick Sanchez’s smackdown of a lying Bully-O Has it really been six years since the publishing of Al Franken book,  Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them ? Chapter 13 is dedicated to television’s most arrogant narcissist, Bully Bill O’Reilly, a  self-styled “cultural warrior”  and former war correspondent. (He once covered the Falkland Islands war for CBS and …

Brain Damage

Poor Whoopi Goldberg must have thought she was having an acid flashback while listening to her co-host on The View, Elisabeth Hasslebeck rail on about Barack Obama’s failure to even mention the word “democracy” during his 55 minute speech at Cairo University last week. Not only did Obama mention the word numerous times, he even made it one of the …

Saved By Zeros

The Republican Party is rife with Zeros these days. The nine nincompoops above are just a random gaggle selected from the dozens and dozens of them pining to spend time in the GOPper boxes of national leadership-ness-ness. The assortment of war criminals, gas bags, elderly has-beens, living and dead, and a burgeoning bunch of weiner wanna-bees will continue to plague the nation until the electorate relegates them to the slag-heap of history.