Attacking Health Care Reform

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! Making Rick Scott the front man for the medical industrial complex’s attack against health care reform is like hiring Dracula to head a Red Cross blood drive. Scott is the former Columbia/HCA CEO whose company was fined, between 2000-2002, a record $1.7 billion for overbilling state and federal government health plans.  …

The Rocky Rethuglican Horror Show

Socialized Medicine. Takeover. Bureaucrat. Rationing. Frank Luntz is certainly earning his money these days, focus group testing emotionally reactive words like these for distribution by the Medical Mafia and their mostly Rethuglican hit men and women on Capitol Hill. As one vet wrote Senator Sanders this week: “I’m active duty military. I have served in the Air Force for almost …

We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident (Update)

Democrats settle into the job they know best Dems never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity (see, e.g., healthcare). Rethugs never miss an opportunity to bully Dems into missing an opportunity. And the circle of life goes merily along… UPDATE: Apology to House Dems: While the Senate has cowered from the debate over a public option in the face …


There are only two ways we mortal bipeds can live together: the material, or animal way, and the spiritual, or human way. FEAR is the powerful and dominant animal vestige of our animal origin heritage. When humans fail to discriminate the ends of their mortal striving, they find themselves functioning on the animal level of existence. (See Limpbot, Hannity, etc. )

Single Payer: A Medical Insurgence Policy (Update 1)

Truth in advertising from the Medical Industrial Complex Bob Cesca at HuffPo, in his post The Health Insurance Mafia Deserves a Good Screwing recounts his personal experience of losing his family’s medical insurance after his provider, without cause, raised their premium threefold overnight;  and makes the case for a public option. Atul Gawande of The New Yorker provides a clue …

Racist Monkeys

It’s National Monkey Week, a few special days each year when we take our Homo Sapeins ego a little less seriously by contemplating our humble hairy origins as Primates.


“He who does not know for what purpose the world exists, does not know who he is, nor what the world is.” As observations go, that one is still completely kicking our asses.