Help Our Lovable Banksters

“It’s not that you win or lose, but how you play the game.” — Milburn Drysdale “Honesty and integrity are the very cornerstones of the great institution of banking.  And they are strengthened by the mortar of fair and democratic competition.” — Jane Hathaway “That is the courageous attitude that has kept the doors of our bank open through economic …

No More Monkeyin’ Around

“‘Human animal’ hybrid freaks.” That’s just toooo rich …the irony nearly crushes my hybrid duckbill.

Fighting The Banksters

Bob Herbert in his column Monday in The NY Times asks: What is up with the banks and the rest of the financial industry? The people running this system remind me of gangsters who manage to walk out of the courthouse with a suspended sentence and can’t wait to get back to their nefarious activities. These malefactors of great wealth …

Newt Gets A Chubby

No. Oh why not; he’s white, retarded, and ridiculous— he has two right hands and he lies about his wiener— what’s not to like? The pin he went with. [youtube][/youtube] “…what is someone seeking to hamstring the First Amendment doing, if not ‘fighting outside the rules of law’ “? Law is life itself; not the rules of it’s conduct. “And …


Those cute little racist rascals, Jeffy Sessions and Lindsey Grahamcracker, were as cute as they could be this week, but their cuteness didn’t fool Craig Crawford…

Failin’ Palin Taibbi

She’s inarticulate to the point of entirely unintended hilarity, the worst thing to happen to the English language since Mr. Potato Head, and can see Russia from her house.

Sarah Baradiva’s Doomsday Clock

Tick tock, tick tock… Euripides observed that those whom the gods would destroy they first make crazy. Today’s NY Times article, Palin’s Long March to a Short-Notice Resignation documents the Greek tragedy that has become Sarah Baradiva’s sorry little life. Proving that the law of karma is chock-a-block full with irony and not a little humor, the writers save the …