RIP John Hughes

[youtube][/youtube] You got some days off coming;  enjoy.

Better Know Jesus #9; His Sacrilegious Art

A “versatile and aggressive child”— drawing on the schoolhouse floor.

Bile Spewers Must Go

This treasonous bile-spewing pig should be tried for treason against the United States.

Chuck Wanker Rides Again

Rachel Weiner: In a column Tuesday, actor and conservative political figure Chuck Norris argued that President Obama should release his birth certificate. Norris said that he finds it “a bit of a groundless stretch” to believe the president is not from Hawaii. Yet, he tells Obama, “Refusing to post your original birth certificate is an unwise political and leadership decision …

Sentients And Lizard People

It’s not every day that Bill Maher gets it right, but when he does, he really does. America is loaded with “Lizard People.” “People” who wonder where the sun goes at night. People with the collective mental acumen of crab grass.


Well it was bound to happen; now wait ten seconds before someone says it’s a fake!

Bussin’ In The Black Shirts (UPDATE)

With the success of the Blue Dogs allied with the Rethugs to delay a vote on health care reform before Congress’ summer recess,  the ad wars have begun. No surprise there. But now a new escalation is afoot. From Randi Rhodes’ blog today: So right wing organizers are targeting the town halls of Democrats with angry mobs. It’s a good …