Saturday Seranata

[youtube][/youtube] Bright As Yellow And you live your life with your arms stretched out. Eye to eye when speaking. Enter rooms with great joy shouts, happy to be meeting. And bright, bright, bright, bright as yellow, warm as yellow. And I do not want to be a rose. I do not wish to be pale pink, but flower scarlet, flower …

Think You Have Problems?

Recent polling shows more Americans are buying into the health care myths being propagated by right wing radio, the insurance giants, and people like originalmetalchik, who recently started making her own videos. Standard disclosure warning: You will never get this time back, and it would be a better use of it to, oh, say, sweep the kitchen floor, or nod …

On What Planet Do You Spend Most Of Your Time?

Let me get this straight: A LaRouchie stands up at a town hall meeting and demands to know why a Congressman who happens to be Jewish and gay (two categories of people who were mercilessly murdered by Hitler’s goons) is supporting President Obama’s “Nazi” health care reform proposals… And all Fux News can complain about is how rude Barney Frank …

Baby Hitler’s Death Panel

It’s late 1889— baby Adolf stares blankly into the lens of his father’s primitive camera, who is oblivious to the fact that little Adolf’s tiny amygdalae are already busy birthing a global nightmare.

Glenn Beck Explains Healthcare Reform

After backing away from the greatly lampooned ObamaGator’s Got Your Granny Euthanasia Meme, Beck asks his bewildered guests: How many people in the Green Movement believe that people are a virus? Doesn’t matter, even if its zero. Simply saying they do provides him with a premise for his whacky argument that “ObamaCare” is all about “crazy people,” “forced abortions,” and …

Saturday Serenata

[youtube][/youtube] Oh, the power to be strong And the wisdom to be wise All these things will come to you in time On this journey that you’re making There’ll be answers that you’ll seek And it’s you who’ll climb the mountain It’s you who’ll reach the peak Son of Man, look to the sky Lift your spirit, set it free …