Gaslighting The Masses (Update)

gaslighting   verb    ruthlessly manipulating an individual, for nefarious reasons, into believing something other than the truth; manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity After a decade of gaslighting the Americans into a permanent state of anxiety over war, terrorism, economics, health, and even their very identities, the right wing media complex is moving in for the kill, …

Moyers To Obama: Time To Kick Ass On Health Care Reform

What he said…

Teh Dumb Fux

I watched this segment live, but the ten minutes go by too fast to really let it sink in. Listen and read it to fully understand we’re dealing with a failed political party of staggeringly ignorant people. . .

Sen. Inhofe: They’re Coming To Take You Away

Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe announced this week that he won’t even read let alone sign whatever health care reform bill emerges from the Senate. Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) has told a town hall meeting that he doesn’t need to read legislation on healthcare reform or to know any details of what’s in it, he will oppose it out of hand. …

The Real Death Panels

From The California Nurses Association: California’s Real Death Panels: Insurers Deny 21% of Claims PacifiCare’s Denials 40%, Cigna’s 33% in First Half of 2009 More than one of every five requests for medical claims for insured patients, even when recommended by a patient’s physician, are rejected by California’s largest private insurers, amounting to very real death panels in practice daily …


Jaded astronomy wonks will typically tell you that with the naked eye most of us can only distinguish about 2,500 stars under ideal conditions. What nonsense.