Oh Snap! You’re all Gonna Die! Says Health Insurance Dicks Of Death

AHIP/CEOs swear they will kill every last one of us if they don’t get their way. Ezra Klein In the early-’90s, the tobacco industry commissioned PWC to estimate the economic devastation that would result from a tax on tobacco. The report was later analyzed by the Arthur Andersen Economic Consulting group, which concluded that “the cumulative effect of PW’s methods …

God Spies On Russians

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHOPxVM6oIw[/youtube] Well this proves God is on our side, right?  Right? Well no.  It proves his immutable laws can create conditions which can occasionally produce clouds most of us have never seen.  This unusual cloud is known as a “fallstreak hole,” or “punch hole” cloud, and was filmed in Russia and ‘Tubed.  The technical explanation is here. Still.  Awesome.

When Bigshots Get Religion

Michael Moore says he’s come to believe “that capitalism is opposite everything that Jesus (and Moses and Mohammed and Buddha) taught.” He says that “all the great religions are clear about one thing: It is evil to take the majority of the pie and leave what’s left for everyone to fight over.”

Whose Medical Claim Would Jesus Deny?

From Science and Religion Today Obama’s Moral Argumnet For Health-Care Reform August 21, 2009* In a conference call with faith leaders earlier this week, President Barack Obama used religious allusions to respond to some of the “ludicrous ideas” and attacks on his plan for health-care reform: These are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage …

Put The Pedal To The Medal

A toast! To the remarkable pace of change, hidden in the maelstrom. THE SAME PEOPLE who told us that John McCain won his debates with Barack Obama are now embarrassed and outraged that Europeans have recognized the United States has a leader who is changing the world, one little bit at time.  And the RW gasbags nearly rent themselves in …

The Best Thing About Obama’s Nobel Prize Is…

…it’s driving the Rethugs, and especially the neocon wing of the wingers, over the edge. Come to think of it, maybe that figured into the committee’s reasoning.

For Cigna’s Sake! Just Die!

Rep. Grayson referencing Cigna’s lobbyists opposing health care reform There is a story featured in yesterday’s LA Times business section that underscores the crisis facing the already insured titled: Couple battle to make insurers liable for coverage decisions Surrounded by supporters, Hilda Sarkisyan marched into Cigna Corp.’s Philadelphia headquarters on a chilly fall day, 10 months after the company refused …