Grayson’s Smackdown Of ACORN Attainder Advocate
A work of legislative art Note to spineless Dems: This is how it’s done.
A work of legislative art Note to spineless Dems: This is how it’s done.
With a new ABC-WAPO poll showing 57% of voters supporting a public option, WAPO reports: Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid is facing intensifying pressure from liberal lawmakers to revive a proposed government insurance plan before health-care reform legislation reaches the Senate floor, amid signs that moderate Democrats may be warming to the idea.” Reid, the man who has the …
Late last week, Democratic-leaning pollster Stan Greenberg released a focus group study showing that conservative GOP base voters live in an alternative universe of their own political paranoia. In this world, President Obama is ruthlessly advancing a secret agenda to ruin — yes, ruin — the economy so he can impose socialism upon the United States and destroy the core civil liberties of American democracy. And in this covert crusade, Obama is no more than a frontman for unseen interests aiming to annihilate the United States.
Signing betrayal, anti-patriotism, denial, and racism semiotics, n. also called semiotic studies or semiology, is the study of sign processes (semiosis), or signification and communication, signs and symbols, both individually and grouped into sign systems. It includes the study of how meaning is constructed and understood. James Carville, Stan Greenberg and Karl Agne of Democracy Corps did a study of …
Sick Puppy portrait of George Herbert Walker “Poppy” “Popeye” Bush* If you endured the “prudent” George Herbert Walker Bush debacle during 1989-1993, then you know why his spawn, “W” Bush, was an even more devastating u-turn for the country. But unlike W, at least George senior was skillful enough to capitalize on his daddy’s connections, and after enrolling in a …
The new has an addictive refresh feature that throws up (no pun intended) a new Republican face every time you refresh the page. I got a black face on the first refresh, and got six blacks out of the first ten pics, which is cool, because we all know the new Republican Party is 60% black… Aw ite! What up, dog?
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Rape-Nuts Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Ron Paul Interview Senator Jeff Sessions and 29 other Rethugs vote for gang rape Whoring for the defense industry has just sunk to a new low. WTF is wrong with these people?