Conservatives Said To Be Changing Pledge of Allegiance?

One divisible nation under God? WASHINGTON — D.C.  The Bachmann Turned-on Overdrive Tea Party turned ugly today when the Liberal Press got hold of Missouri Republican Rep. Todd Akin‘s apparent attempt to change the nation’s only agreed upon pledge of allegiance.  Americans claiming to be true Patriots said they recognized immediately that Rep. Akin dropped the word “indivisible” from the …

December DICK

Just when you forget Dick Cheney has the world’s most powerful PaceMaker©, he reminds you by doing some fancy Vader-breathin’ on the Fuxdroid outlet. But this time it was the arrival of the December issue of DICK.

Afutilestan (V)

In response to the withdrawal of Dr. Abdulah Abdulah from Afgahnistan‘s presidential  runoff election,  the US Embassy in Kabul declared: We congratulate President Karzai on his victory in this historic election and look forward to working with him, his new administration, the Afghan people and our partners in the international community to support Afghanistan’s progress toward institutional reforms, security and …

Real Bad Men Wear Stripes (Updated)

Seantor David Vitter’s “compassion” for this victim of rape lasted nearly 30 seconds, when he started talking over her; it was 64 seconds before he scapegoated President Obama; and a full minute and 12 seconds before he tucked his prehensile appendage between his legs and slithered toward the door.


Andrew   •   Terry Kruger Jesus the Son of God was a man among men, and the men closest to him were twelve diverse, unique personalities of that day.  The Bible and apocrypha do contain some historical insights concerning these men, notably the doubting nature of Thomas, the inexplicable cowardice of Peter denying his Master;  the betrayal of Judas.  But until …