Foxx News: Rethugs Passed Civil Rights Law, Protected The Environment

On the house floor yesterday, Rep. Virginia Foxx (Wingnut-NC), noted for her contention that the murder of Matthew Shepard was a hoax and not a hate crime and that health care reform is a bigger threat than terrorism, proclaimed: Actually, the GOP has been the leader in starting good environmental programs in this country. Just as we were the people …

Apocalyptic Clusterphuquers

Apocalyptic blowhards Jerry Jenkins and Timmeh LaHaye, co-authors of the hysterically ironic “Left Behind” series, join Sarah Palin’s fave buttboy, Sean Hannity in the latest conservatard craze, “Palin’ It.”

Please Lord, Kill Obama For Us.

Does anyone in this country know where the line is between free speech and incitement to murder? If you missed Frank Schaeffer on Rachel Maddow Tuesday night, watch the video. Do we just let all the religious maniacs Schaeffer is talking about work themselves into a self-righteous frenzy until one or more of them decide they’ll do the Lord’s dirty …

Palin In The Land Of Goshen

In 1973 Sarah Palin placed third runnerup in the Little Miss Land ‘O Goshen Beauty Pageant, and also winning best make-up, best teeth, and “most charmin’ young miss” awards. Historian Gaylord Smellisham of the Society of Beauty Pageant Dilettantes, produced the chilling photograph of a nine year old Sarah Palin that shows the young contestant had a remarkably adult face.

Putting Terrorism On Trial: Wingers Piss Their Diapers (Updated)

GOP Diaper wetters: David “PP” Vitter, Tony “Depends” Blankley, R. Hudson “Incontinent” Limpboughtenpaidfor, Eric “WeWee” Cantor, John “Sissy-Boy Boehner, and weepy Mitch McConnell. Said GOP House Leader John Boehner yesterday: The Obama Administration’s irresponsible decision to prosecute the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks in New York City puts the interests of liberal special interest groups before the safety and security …


Imagine waking up reeking with sweat, trembling, and screaming, because you just saw First Princess Carrie Prejean leering at you over the chubby shoulder of President-Queen-elect Sarah Palin, while Mittens Romney, Second Princess, in full evening gown drag with magic undies ridin’ high, fawns over her other shoulder… and that roaring chainsaw sound permeating this paralyzing visage? It’s none other than the First Dude’s ATV, riding roughshod over Michelle and the kids’ vegetable garden…

Larry King Gets All Rogue-etty

Carrie Prejean has dictated a book to a writer who shall remain nameless. (Apologies to Rene Magritte) Like my friend Propagandee, I avoid Larry King like H1N1.  Prop says, “the man seems incapable of asking, let alone pressing, a follow-up question to guests who cling to their talking points like a drowning man clings to a life preserver.” But as …