Sarah Palin Meets The Matrix

When a nation becomes unmoored from reality, it retreats into a world of magic. Facts are accepted or discarded according to the dictates of a preordained cosmology. The search for truth becomes irrelevant.


Yes. Yes. America. We got ours. Oh yeah, we got the bucks; the houses; the cars; the yachts; all the stuff; we GOT ours. But I’m not talking about the stuff. No.No. I’m talking about ideas. We got ours; we got the ideology. It’s Pure. It’s Conservative. It’s Obstreperous. It’s Precious, America.

Crazy Like A Zero-Tolerance Fox

After a rash of mistakes and apologies over the past weeks, Fox News has sent a memo to employees announcing a new “zero tolerance” policy for on-screen errors. FishBowlDC obtained the memo, sent last Friday, which warns mistakes could lead to written warnings, suspensions and termination. USojo, however, has obtained the rough draft of that memo, which we thought was a lot more insightful and entertaining:

I Need To Know…

Who TF dresses these people every morning? [youtube][/youtube] How do they manage to remember their way back home? Bread crumbs? There’s a huge difference between good, sound reasons, and reasons that merely sound good. — Burton Hillis

The Apostle Simon Peter

NO OTHER APOSTLE is known as well or remembered as often as Simon Peter, not only for his failed attempt to walk on water, and his confession that he thought Jesus was “…the Son of the living God,” but most notably for his betrayal of Jesus.

Badges? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges!

In his blog yesterday, The Washington establishment suffers a serious defeat, Glenzilla summarizes the significance of Thursday’s bi-partisan vote on the Paul-Grayson Bill in the House Finance Committee that calls for an audit of the Federal Reserve. This is an effort that goes back at least 57 years when Congressman Wright Patman of the House Banking and Currency Committee complained: …


If you’re like me, a few weeks ago you had never heard of Louie Buller Gohmert. Probably the only “gohmerty” thing in your cerebrum was a moldy, dessicated old synaptic turdlet of fucktard extraordinaire, Gomer Pyle, the 1960s cultural antidepressant in the form of a sitcom featuring Jim Neighbors as a boot-brained marine recruit.