Whew; It’s Okay If It’s Satire (UPDATE VI)

“Stephen Colbert Bump”? Spotted near the Antelope Freeway this morning… If you wanna read the scribbles, you must click it If you see any political billboards, snap a picture and send it in; and don’t worry about it being politically correct; as long as it’s “satire,” it’s o-f*cking kay. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Sarah Palin …

Wink, Whine, Don’t Quit.

A mere two days after discovering she uses crib notes scribbled on her hands— a practice generally associated with high school cheating— Sarah Palin has again turned the tables on the “Lame Stream Media.”

Miss Fortune Teller

Hypocrisy be damned, Miss Fortune Teller reads a teleprompter jab off her own fleshy-feely Telepalmer Deep in a Nashville fog, at the darkest time of night, A (Rogue) Miss Fortune Teller sat in a comfy chair As she engaged in an ancient ritual. The ones that had gathered did not see What the Fortune Teller was doing For she was …

Palin’s Strange Teabagger Brew

I admit I just didn’t have the stomach to watch Sarah Baracuda‘s speech to the Teabaggers last night. But from what I’ve gleaned from various commentators is that she struck to two basic themes: national security and the Obama Administration’s Keynesian attempts to salvage the US economy by spending (and lending) lots of money. Naturally, these are the main Rethug themes going …

Tarzan With A Parachute

Just for the hell of it… And what are you doing this wintry Saturday afternoon?

Shelby’s Ransom Demands

Where did it all go wrong? The great struggle in the evolution of government has concerned the concentration of power. The universe administrators have learned from experience that the evolutionary peoples on the inhabited worlds are best regulated by the representative type of civil government when there is maintained proper balance of power between the well-co-ordinated executive, legislative, and judicial …

The Crown Jewel of Stupidism [sic]

Decked out in full RWNJ regalia, Michele Bachmann riles up the Yakusa. The crown jewel of Michele Bachmann‘s (R-Minn.) winger tea-ara is a GOPper sheep.  Not surprisingly, then, at a health care forum on Monday at the Mayo Clinic, she suggested that health care reform in America would lead to a Yakusa-like “gangster government” that would cause the GOPper sheep— …