Look At Them Toad Suckers
How about Them Tea Baggers, Ain’t they wags? Sittin’ there suckin’ Them big GOPper-Bags.
How about Them Tea Baggers, Ain’t they wags? Sittin’ there suckin’ Them big GOPper-Bags.
In the spirit of the Olympics, which were originally performed in the nude, this slightly less risque event by Russia’s Olympic skater, Evgeni Plushkeno. Set to the vocal styling of one of my favorite singers, the Welshman, Tom Jones.
[youtube width=”480″ height=”344″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zagXJbfVnbY&feature=player_embedded#[/youtube] I can’t wait for Sarah Palin to weigh in on this scorching satire of the teabaggets, now that she’s been bitch slapped to a pulp by an actress with a sense of humor; something Palin only pretends to have. My hope is she’ll simply exhaust herself from the increasingly frequent bouts of fake outrage, until she finally …
A Foxbot eagerly awaiting his marching orders Following up on last year’s preview of the annual gathering of CPAC convention, this year’s keynote speaker is none other than Glenn Beck. Other featured speakers include Dick Armey, John Ashcroft, Rep. Michele Bachmann, John Bolton, Andrew Breitbart, Tucker Carlson, Liz Cheney, Ann Coulter, Sen. Jim DeMint, Wayne LaPierre, and Newt Gingrich. That’s …
BlueGal found some RWNJ photoshopper who was looking for a reason to show Nancy Pelosi’s breasties
You know the cliché: Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. The reason it’s a cliché is because it’s also a truism; for us as well as for you.
Just a PSA every American should contemplate, regardless of political party. Hypocrisy is a vice. It is a vice the Republican Party uses as a weapon. To put it simply, they must be disarmed. Yesterday. [youtube width=”480″ height=”344″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E3vDO5eYRw&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]