Eternity Road: The Isle of God

One of the more astonishing voids in Christian theology is the abject conceptual poverty and shear lack of knowledge about where God supposedly abides: Paradise. There are just three mentions of Paradise in the Bible, and two of those are actually confused references to other places, while the third is a mere mention of Paradise by Jesus to the thief, …

When Culture Goes Crazy (UPDATED)

The failure of America’s leaders to recognize the importance of unifying her cultural factions by finding ways to bring them together in respect and intelligent patriotism has resulted in an all-out culture war…

Saturday Night: Time For Miracles

Find more videos like this on KSM Band Ain’t giving up on love…

McDead Gets His Freak On

Call me old fashioned, call me un-cool; but postmortem lividity just doesn’t cut it as a turn-on. But there is a fringe element out there that apparently finds it to be so, and the opportunistic senatorial cadaver of John “McDead” McCain was out in the clubs tappin’ that shit this weekend.

Fear And Loathing In Boca Grande

: Oops. Looks like someone lost their copy of the RNC’s 2010 fund raising strategy.  Politico obtained a copy and reports: The presentation was delivered by RNC Finance Director Rob Bickhart to top donors and fundraisers at a party retreat in Boca Grande, Florida on February 18, a source at the gathering said. In neat PowerPoint pages, it lifts the …