Support Michael Steele!

RNC Chairman Michael Steele, a black man chosen by the overwhelming white GOP as cover for their unrelenting attacks against the nation’s first black president…

The Hatriot Auntie Christ

The “Anti-Christ” is the culmination of 2,000 years of speculation and fabrication by Christian theologians, assorted armchair nutballs, and theotards.™ And what we’re left with today is a story so crazy it would make God himself shake his head in disbelief.

Perry Leads Bachmann For Political Darwin Award

In a stunning political reversal, Texas Governor Rick Perry has displaced Minnesota Rep. Michelle “Bat Shit Crazy” Bachmann as the top candidate for this year’s coveted political Darwin Award. In the wake of Governor Perry’s threats last year to secede from the Union over the issue of receiving federal stimulus funds, Texas is lagging way behind the national average in …

Nature By The Numbers

For more about the the Golden Mean, aka the Golden Ratio or Fibonacci Sequence of numbers, go Wiki.

The Palin-McAint Ouija Board Bomb

Huff Po: At the rally on Friday, Sarah Palin proclaimed that the RepubliCon Party isn’t the party of no — “We’re the Party of Hell No!” She derided “this BS coming from the lame-stream media” about “us common-sense conservatives kinda incitin’ violence,” but added, “We know violence isn’t the answer.  When we take up our arms, we’re talkin’ about our …

Tomorrow Never Dies: UPDATE

Former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum tells it like it is: Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we are discovering we work for Fox. Do yourself a favor and rent/download the prescient 1997 James Bond film, Tomorrow Never Dies. The bad guy, Elliot Carver, runs a billion dollar media empire that makes its money creating …