Sarah’s Little Shop Of Government Horrors

During Sarah Palin’s address to the NRA yesterday, she warned them to stay alert because Obama is planning to take all their guns and ammo away, despite any evidence to back up her claim. I’m not aware of a single piece of proposed legislation from either the Congress or the White House to restrict gun ownership. In fact, Obama has …

Another Great Moment In Corporate Douchebaggery (Update)

BP CEO Tony “Tin Ear” Hayward Unfrakkin believable: BP boss admits job on the line over Gulf oil spill The Guardian, Friday 14 May 2010 […] In an bullish interview with the Guardian at BP’s crisis centre in Houston, Hayward insisted that the leaked oil and the estimated 400,000 gallons of dispersant that BP has pumped into the sea to …

Oiley Barbour

Louisiana wildlife officials say huge effin’ tar balls have begun washing up on the beach at Port Fourchon, some of them eight inches across.

Oh My Oilmageddon God (Update)

Yesterday during my daily sorta nature walk, I made the mistake of tuning into NPR. First thing I hear is the breaking news that the scientists they hired to estimate the amount of oil gushing from the BP rupture could easily be 14x the previous estimate, equal to the amount of the Exxon Valdez oil spill every four days. It …

First-Hand Anger…

…IS NOT ENOUGH. How much longer before we finally realize that Corporations— individual citizens— will never be responsible stewards of the earth’s natural resources. The people of this nation OWN it’s resources;  only a moral people will care enough to protect our country, our oceans, our air, our water— our world— from the ravages of the greed, arrogance, and stupidity …

Black On Beck

Glenn Beck thinks playing the Nazi Card is going too far; GLENN BECK! Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party Black does the best takedown of the Beckster ever. Especially enjoyed that little emotional, paranoid hitch in his voice at the end.

Read It With Friends.

The brotherhood of men is founded on the fatherhood of God. The family of God is derived from the love of God–God is love. God the Father divinely loves his children, all of them.