Pray Baby Pray

There’s another reason Obama got spanked hard by some secular media heads— he dared invoke the nation to pray for courage— he dared to ask God for guidance through our latest eco-clusterfuck— to the dawning of a brighter day.

How Rethugs Would Govern

The DNC keeps hope alive with their second tv commercial about the Rethug apology tour. First DNC ad capitalizing on Rep. Joe Barton’s apology to BP CEO Tony Hayward Creating ads for the DNC has got to be the easiest and sweetest gig in the biz.

BP Unleashes Obama Derangement Volcano

Geraldo Rivera interviewing Moonbat Bachmann on Fux News Ever since Rep. Joe Barton apologized to BP CEO Tony Hayward for having to endure a “shakedown” by the White House when they agreed to set up a $20b escrow fund to compensate man and nature for unleashing an oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico, the winger noise machine has taken …

Father’s Day

As the decades rolled by, one president after another, starting with Woodrow Wilson, found they were impotent to get a simple proclamation honoring fathers through the U.S. Congress.

Mourning In America

NRO asswipe John Derbyshire finds something to celebrate in the ecological and economic catastrophe unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico in an article titled No We Can’t. After citing a controversial entry from The Oil Drum concerning the consequences of a “down hole” breach in the well casing, a distinct possibility, he indulges the most perverted display of schadenfreude I’ve …

A Tale of Two Sloppy Joes

Whoring for multinationals like BP has its limits, after all. You don’t call an escort service and have them deliver the goods to the family home door, broadcast live on cable tv and streamed around the world.