Is This The End Of The World As We Know It?

This post started out as a reply to Terry’s response to my previous post: Is BP’s Oil Volcano An Extinction Level Event (ELE). There he takes exception to Dr. Gregory Ryskin‘s account of the ELE that occurred some 251 million years ago ( mya), comparing it to the account given in The Urantia Book in Paper 59 titled: “THE MARINE-LIFE …

Is BP’s Oil Volcano An Extinction Level Event?

While much is being made of the catastrophic environmental and economic effects the oil being released from BP’s Macondo well, perhaps an even greater problem is the huge amounts of methane that accompanies it. Accounting for some 40% of the total volume, the methane is moving in vast underwater plumes at concentrations 10,000 that of normal. The man featured in …

Gretchen, You Ignorant Slut.

Where’s a Monty Python two ton falling weight when you really need one?

Oiley Sez Sport Fishin’s Alive & Well In The Gulf

Senator Mitch McConnell joined Gov. Oiley Barbour for some “good ‘ol sport fishin” Wednesday, in an effort to allay the fears of radical leftist fish lovers and prove that the “sport” is not actually “dead.” BILOXI — Mississippi’s Governor, Haley Barbour, a well-fed former Washington lobbyist, has matter-‘o-factly said the oil slick slickin’ offshore is “jist a sheen in most …

Oilmageddon Seen From Space

View of BP oil volcano from NASA’s Terra satellite Holy shit. Image found here. Explanatory text: On Saturday, June 19, 2010, oil spread northeast from the leaking Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil appears as a maze of silvery-gray ribbons in this photo-like image from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite. The …

Judge Marty Feldman Rules On Oil Moratorium (Update)

Judge Marty’s investment hump is showing Yesterday, US District Court Judge Martin “Marty” Feldman issued a preliminary injunction against  Interior Secretary Ken Salazar‘s drilling moratorium against 33 deep water exploratory wells in the Gulf of Mexico. A moratorium that effects less than 1% of the producing wells in the GOM, obviously a blow to local businesses of epic proportions. Over …