Mama Grizzly To Be Destroyed

Half-baked Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin in her Anchorage office on a sofa draped with the hide of a grizzly killed by her father When I heard that a mama grizzly had killed one person and seriously wounded two others after rampaging through a Yellowstone campground Wednesday, I have to admit that my first thought that the victims were Democrats and …

What the GOP Has Brought Together. . .

There is no more evil thing in this world than race prejudice . . . It justifies and holds together more baseness, cruelty, and abomination than any other sort of error in the world. — H. G. Wells . . . Let No Man Put Asunder According to Talking Points Memo reports, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele is expected …

Your Weekly Racism Update

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Racial Pro Firing Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News Back from a two week vacation, Stephen Colbert weighs in on the Shirley Sherrod libel, cats that look like Hitler, and an Andrew Breitbart style mashup of the State Department’s resident genocidal maniac, Hilary Clinton. On the day before …

Afutilestan X

Hostile occupation is like a coiled spring– the greater the force applied, the greater the force generated when the spring is finally sprung. For instance, triple the amount of occupation forces in Afghanistan, as President Obama has done and voila!– a proportional number of new resistance forces are added to the equation. That’s just the nature of the beast. People …

Lord Andrew Breitwhorefin

If you want to jump the spark, you must click it. Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife; Doomed is your soul and-a damned is your life. —Lord John Whorfin Laugh-a while you can, monkey-boy. —Lord John Whorfin

Insanity Sunday: Glenn Beck Explains Satan And Lucifer For Third Graders

“I’m hoping the guy with horns doesn’t actually show up, but he could.” . . . And monkeys in jumpsuits might fly out your butt, too, Glenn.

Fux News: A 24 Hour Parade of Feces (Updated)

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy The manipulation of reality to make the racist seem benevolent and to convict the benevolent as racist… Is it just me, or does Breitbart look like an Archie Bunker racist? UPDATE: No, it’s not just you, Props. . . —TPK