The Gimmick Of Mass Destruction

Joe Kieyoomia was a young Navajo soldier from New Mexico. In April of 1942, he was captured by the Japanese when the Allied forces surrendered the Philippines. . .

Ingraham’s Obama Fictions

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Laura Ingraham Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News Stephen Colbert’s smackdown interview of wingbat racist Laura Ingraham After some initial bantering, Stephen interviews Laura Ingraham about her new book, The Obama Diaries, a fictional account in which she puts words,  pulled straight out of her ass, into the …

Right Into The Stranger Zone

If you’ve ever wondered why Teabagger and Nevada senatorial candidate Sharron Angle runs from the media even at her own press conferences, this interview with Fux News’ Carl Cameron provides a hint:

Mama Grizzly

What Teabagger males envision when they hear Sarah Palin call herself a “Mama Grizzly” Arianna Huffington has a post today well worth reading. It begins: I’ve been thinking about this paradox: the most important political ad of 2010 so far did not play on television, and came from someone not currently running for any office. It was Sarah Palin‘s latest …

Dropping A Baby

What Digby said: Good God. I had missed Huckleberry Graham’s specific language in his comments about repealing the 14th amendment. He said “they come here to drop a baby” as if they’re farm animals. And he delivered it with his patented dead-eyed reptilian stare and sneering drawl. No real surprise there. Slave labor built Huckleberry’s state into a tobacco, cotton, …