ACUNA, MEXICO —   Ciudad Acuña is the fastest growing city in Mexico you’ve never heard of.  You wouldn’t know it, to look at what’s left of the place after an F3* fucked the place up a few years ago;  but more than a couple United States presidents have nom nomed tacos in this town. For some dam reason there was …


A vote for Trump must now become a new litmus test. A vote for Trump identifies both of YOU as a threat to our democracy.

The Cruzifer Rebellion (UPDATED)

Yet another former Republican Speaker of the House, professional hypocrite Newton Leroy Gingrich (who led the impeachment effort against President Bill Clinton on morals charges while cheating on his wife while she was dying of cancer), said that if it weren’t for the disdain that the country has for Donald Drumpf, they would better understand Cruzifer and what it’s like to work in his sulfurous presence.

Cap’n Cruz To Go Down With The Ship

The Cruz ship be wrecked beyond hope and sinkin’ fast. But Cap’n Cruz whar picked by God hisself, he says, and is not about to scuttle her in port.


From the Devil Caligastia’s Dictionary: Clintonialism: a neo neo-con foreign policy steeped in intervention, war, regime change, and nation building. See also: Iraq, Libya, Syria.

Etch A Sketch Drumpf (UPDATE)

As the GOP presidential campaign has unfolded, whatever light that the GOP might have once emitted has been sucked into the black hole at the center of the Bizarro universe where their evil twins reside. Those tremors in the Force you’ve been feeling of late is proof that the rupture between the two parallel worlds has already occurred, resulting in the time-space manifold between them being turned inside-out, expurgating their dopplegangers into our every day political reality


Don’t expect to see a “Starry Night” 55er in your wallet—or in your lifetime;  and not just because you’re poor and apt to stay that way.   Money, it’s a crime Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie Money, so they say Is the root of all evil today But if you ask for a raise …